Sewing Bee is back, buzzing again…
The Collins’ English dictionary defines a sewing bee as
“a small informal social gathering based around the activity of making clothes or other things with a needle and thread.”
This is an excellent summary of what happens at Working Together when our Sewing Bee meets on a Monday afternoon.
Since moving to the Rockspring Centre, we have plenty of space where we enjoy making things for ourselves, to sell and as gifts for friends.
It’s a very relaxed activity as we all chat, often laugh and sometimes listen to music as we sew!
Members are encouraged to take their time to choose their own fabrics, ribbons and threads from our collection so that they produce something that is entirely personal to them and we have made drawstring rucksacks, lavender bags, lined handbags and wrist band pin cushions recently.
If any members are interested in joining us for the Sewing Bee sessions please contact us.