Working Together’s 20th Anniversary
This year is the 20th anniversary of Working Together and we’re planning lots of events and celebrations – including a very special ‘Garden Party’ on 24th September 2022.
We’ve been bringing together photos and memorabilia that we have collected over the years and putting these into albums that we can share. We will be adding to this archive throughout the year and if you have any pictures of Working Together please get in touch.
We’d like anyone who has been involved with WT over the past 20 years to complete a memories form – which will be added to the archive:
Over the next 12 months, our newsletters will include special anniversary articles, including blog posts from people who have been or are currently involved with WT.
Anniversary Newsletter One (PDF)
Anniversary Newsletter Two (PDF)
Anniversary Newsletter Three (PDF)
Anniversary Newsletter Four (PDF)
Anniversary Report – AGM 2023 (PDF)
Thank You:
We are extremely grateful to all who have been involved with Working Together over the past 20 years, to make it what it is today, and we’re looking forward to celebrating throughout 2022.